What are your store hours?

  • Monday - Thursday 10AM - 7PM

  • Friday - Saturday 10AM - 8PM

  • Sunday Closed

  1. Do you offer online ordering or delivery?

    • Currently, we do not offer online ordering or delivery services. All purchases must be made in-store.

  2. What forms of payment do you accept?

    • We accept cash, credit cards, and debit cards. Personal checks are not accepted.

  3. Can I special order a product that is not in stock?

    • Yes, you can request a special order for products not currently in stock. Please fill out the item request form available in-store or on our website.

  4. Are there any restrictions on what I can purchase?

    • Yes, we can only sell items that have been approved by the North Carolina ABC Commission. For a complete list of approved items, please visit the North Carolina ABC Commission website.

  5. Do you offer discounts or loyalty programs?

    • We do not currently offer discounts or loyalty programs. However, we strive to provide competitive pricing on all our products.

  6. What is your return policy?

    • All sales are final.

  7. How can I find out about new products or promotions?

    • You can stay updated on new products and promotions by following us on social media.

  8. Who can I contact for more information or assistance?